Hi from Mexico and life as a location independent family

Sunset in Puerto Escondido where we are currently

Life in general and thoughts about the blog

Back in October I announced that we would quit our jobs to travel the world (or at least to travel Latin America). If you didn’t read it, then find it here. Back then I thought that I would be posting tons of yummi material with tips for packing, travel itineraries and once here I would post about life on the go as a location independent family (we’re not all digital yet, but that’s the aim)…

…and now five (!!!) months later, NOTHING! I haven’t been updating anything about the trip here on the blog. The main reason for not posting pre-travel was that we were SUPER busy with packing, renting out the apartment, wrapping up everything at work before leaving, Christmas and life in general. No time for the blog.

How our living room looked like the past week before leaving. Our tenant already moved in the 23rd of December and we moved in with family until we left on the 4th of January

But now, we’re here. We’re in Mexico and have been here for almost two months now. That would give plenty of time to write, right? Ehm no! Definitely not, because with a toddler 24/7 we really have to prioritise the time in front of a computer and the blog has not been number one. Number one has been to write articles I could sell and to look into how we can use our skills to build an online business to really become a location independent family.

Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City. I look mad, but I’m not, just looking at my little monkey who is amazed by the big “shower”. A blog post with our time in Mexico City is coming soon!

Future of the blog

When I first launched this blog it was for three main reasons:

  1. I wanted a hobby to lay my focus on (my real job was quite easy going, so I needed somewhere I could learn something new; e.g. how to build a website)
  2. I wanted to improve my written English skills
  3. (Most important) I had this dream of travelling the world one day selling travel articles to magazines and newspapers. For that purpose I would need a platform to show off my skills and use it when pitching ideas

Dreams do come true…

Now three years later, the three main reasons for starting the blog have been accomplished. I actually sit here and get quite emotional when reading the third point because here we are and magazines and newspapers actually pay me to write about the places we visit! Mission accomplished, my blog has facilitated the dream I had!

I have been debating with myself whether to close the blog or start writing again. I have been very close to closing as my purpose is no longer the same and I don’t feel like writing city guides and likewise stuff here more.


I feel there is a huge lack of information about the location independent lifestyle with kids in general. Or just blogs about moving abroad with a toddler. When I did my research for this trip it wasn’t easy to find much information about the topic. It was easy to find information about the best places to live as a location independent, but it wasn’t easy to find information like; here are the good co-working offices and daycares!

So now that we are traveling with Julian (19 months by now), I feel that our experiences could actually be useful for families dreaming of the same lifestyle. Or just for families who dream about living differently for a period of time.


I will start writing and posting again. But with a slightly changed focus. I will give it a try and see how it feels. Because after all, as this blog is still a hobby (no big income here at all), then it has to feel good writing, it shouldn’t be an obligation.

And I’ve actually never wanted to be a blogger (what I mean is that I never looked into earning my money on partnerships and so). That’s not my aim and it never was (I should have been waaay more active if that was my aim). I just wanted to have a platform for my work and now I wish to share our experiences to help other people with the same dreams. And honestly, I don’t like to be private at all! I like to be personal, share my personal style, but I don’t like to write about my private life (even saying the name of my kid is almost too personal for me! and pictures of him, uhhhh, I don’t like it!), but I realise that if I want to share authentic stories and be a source of inspiration for others, I have to push that boundary a tiny bit.

Sun and lemons everywhere in Coyoacan, Mexico City

More important is that I don’t want to run around with a camera or phone in hand all the time, which is why my Instastories always come in ”bulks” and not throughout the day. I sit down when Julian is sleeping, edit some photos and post. I never ever post in the moment, because then I miss the moment and honestly it’s way more important for me to be present in the moment, than to share it on social media. So most times I take a quick snap and then leave the phone again. I’m aware that if I really wanted to grow my Instagram engagement I should be more active, but naaah, I don’t feel like it (right now at least) 🙂

So what you can expect from now on is more or less this:

  • Thoughts about living abroad with a toddler/travelling with a toddler
  • Thoughts about working remotely
  • Tips for others who think about doing the same
  • Anything else I feel like writing about 🙂

I hope you’ll join on this new adventure of ours!

If there are any questions hit me in the comments box below or by e-mail mytravelatelier (at) gmail.com

Hugs from Mexico,



  1. Hey, stumbled across your blog and so glad I did! We also became location independent at the end of 2018 and have a toddler. Your point about not having enough resources on places that have good co-working AND daycares is so true! We’re traveling around SE Asia right now and are paving our own way, but would love to read more about what you’ve found and learned, and/or share tips from what we’ve learned here with you (since we are in different areas). Anyway, glad to see another similar family making a go of it!


    • Hi Tina! So nice to hear from you! Sure, there is a huge lack of information about this topic. Especially for families with small kids (seems like older kids, just do online schooling, which enternains them for some hours each day and gives the parents time to work). I’ll send you an e-mail to connect. Regards, Christina


Any ideas or thoughts you wish to share? Don't hold back, I love to chat :)